Information about tour operators is provided by Odisha Tourism Department. Users can get details related to approved travel agencies, their address, phone number, fax number and e-mail id in the state.
Contact details of tour operators in Odisha
Information on approved travel agents
Get information about the approved travel agents by the Ministry of Tourism. Users can find contact details of approved agents such as their names, address, phone numbers and email ids.
Check contact details of government approved tour operators in Nagaland
Users can check contact details of state government approved tour operators provided by the Nagaland Tourism Department. One can find name, address and contact numbers of the approved tour operators in the state.
List of tourist transport operators by Ministry of Tourism
Find list of tourist transport operators in different states approved by Ministry of Tourism. Contact person’s name, office address, phone and fax numbers, email address etc of every approved operator are available. Users can search operators’ details by selecting the name of the state and city.
Contact details of tour operators in Meghalaya
Find detailed information about tour operators in Meghalaya. Users can get details of travel agencies in the state, their address, phone numbers and email ids. Access to downloadable guidelines for recognition as approved tour operators and application form for recognition of as approved tour operator in the state is also provided.
Information on travel agents and tour operators in Puducherry
Detailed information on travel agents and tour operators is provided by Department of Tourism, Puducherry. Users can find address, e-mail id and phone numbers of travel agents and tour operators in the state.
Information on tour operators and travel agents in West Bengal
Get information on government approved tour operators and travel agents in West Bengal. Users can find details related to tour operators, travel agents, their address, phone and fax numbers.
Contact details of tour and travel agencies in Himachal Pradesh
Get detailed information about the tour and travel agencies in Himachal Pradesh. Agencies and tour operators detail are provided as per the respective districts. Names, phone numbers and email ids of the agencies and tour operators are provided for the tourists.
State wise list of domestic tour operators by Ministry of Tourism
Find information on domestic tour operators in various states by Ministry of Tourism. Users can find details such as agency name, contact person’s name, office address, phone and fax numbers, email id etc. Provision to search operators information by selecting state and city name is also available.
Travel and trade related information by Ministry of Tourism
Find information on the travel and trade provided by Ministry of Tourism. Users can get detailed information about the travel agents, inbound tour operators, tourist transport operators, adventure tour operators, domestic tour operators, etc. in India. Guidelines for respective agencies and operators are provided. List of approved travel trade operators can be accessed.
Contact details of travel agents in Rajasthan
Get information about approved travel and excursion agents in Rajasthan. Users can get details about the travel agency, its address, phone numbers and email id.